< ryoondo-tea :: Discography :: Nami Sato & Yukihiko Yotsukura "Musics For Bamboos "
Home :: Discography :: Nami Sato+Yukihiko Yotsukura "Musics For Bamboos"
Musics For Bamboos

CD INformation

"Musics For Bamboos"

des056s.png仙台の津波被害を受けた三本塚地区で突如竹藪が出現。塩害に強い竹がかつての竹薮の風景を造り出していた。 かつて暮らしとともにあったその竹を使った音楽家・佐藤那美と四倉由公彦(yukki/Coupie) による音響ワークショップで繰り広げられた不思議な音源たちが、糸魚健一マスタリングにより竹のつややかな響きとともによみがえる。

Nami Sato Nami Sato

Nami Sato grew up in Sendai, Miyagi – a small town on the coast side of Japan. In 2011, Great East Japan Earthquake, a Tsunami washed out many towns. Her hometown, Arahama, was one of them. Ever since, she has made music in an attempt to create “scenery, fragrance and a special holy place in mind” for anyone who listens to her tracks.
She released the album 'ARAHAMA callings' to rebuild her hometown in music in 2013. It was created as a graduation work of her university, it was picked up in some magazines and it became a big topic.
In 2018, she qualified for Red Bull Music Academy in Berlin as a solo ambient musician. Her music performance in Berlin, brought many of her listeners to tears. 
Her latest EP ‘Our Map Here’ is released from London based label The Ambient Zone in 2019. comprises 5 instrumental tracks reflecting on the area’s recovery by using field recordings in disaster area by the tsunami.
She will move to Ireland in the spring of 2020 to learn more music, and has already been booked at several music festivals in Europe 2020 summer.

des056s.png Yukihiko Yotsukura

Yukihiko Yotsukura is a musician based in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture. His work is created in pursuit of the concept of "Hare to Ke" ̶ a traditional Japanese world-view of unique occurrences with common everyday ones and their interrelationships with space and time. Simultaneously, as an active member of some of the fascinating local folk entertainment groups that emerged after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, he continues to study the expressions brought up by the people of the land and their daily lives. He gave a spirited and rousing Taiko drumming performance at the 2015 Milan International Exposition.
Coupie Profile


Track list

—Nami Sato—
01. Bamboo Forest

—Yukihiko Yotsukura—
03.Bamboo Picking〜竹をとる
04.Spending time with the Bamboos〜竹であそぶ