Home :: Artist :: Heprcam



heprcam+started from spring 2002.
floating voice in sounds......
ambient-experimantal torio plays inorganic,electronic sounds ,but their music have warm templature.@
heprcam recorded in "water green"(ryoondo-tea DES014) in July 2003. and after they started recording. heprcam plays in SAKURACHiLLOUT@Kyoto Hosomi museum and in April 2004.

Mihoyo TsubokuraFvoice /age21
composer and writer
take part indeepsae drive machine as vocalist in 2002.
guest vocal of cinq at Heavysick ZERO in Oct.2002

Tatsuya KodaFup-right bass/age23
bassist,composer and proglamer.
He is well known as DJ,and as party organizer.

Junichi HarukiFprogramming&percussion/age23
percussion,composer and proglamer. take part in the live member of TELA as Drs well known as recording engineer of sambomaster. He teach drums at music school in Tokyo.

Released CD


DES017 ¥2,600
Link to more information 2004.6/7 ON SALE

Water green

"Water Green"
DES015 ¥2,600
04.hypericum Žû˜^
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