started from spring 2002.
floating voice in sounds......
ambient-experimantal torio plays inorganic,electronic sounds ,but their music have warm templature.@
heprcam recorded in "water green"(ryoondo-tea DES014) in July 2003.
and after they started recording.
heprcam plays in SAKURACHiLLOUT@Kyoto Hosomi museum and in April 2004.
Mihoyo TsubokuraFvoice /age21
composer and writer
take part indeepsae drive machine as vocalist in 2002.
guest vocal of cinq at Heavysick ZERO in Oct.2002
Tatsuya KodaFup-right bass/age23
bassist,composer and proglamer.
He is well known as DJ,and as party organizer.
Junichi HarukiFprogramming&percussion/age23
percussion,composer and proglamer.
take part in the live member of TELA as Drs
well known as recording engineer of sambomaster.
He teach drums at music school in Tokyo.