The electronic music label based on Kichijoji (suburban Tokyo) and Kyoto,and works "the tea and zen of electronic culture " to a concept. It starts from the ploject KenIchiro Hoshi and Masaaki Takemura (cinq) colaborated with famous animation movie director Koji Morimoto ("animatrix" , Ken Ishi's"EXTRA" )'s "AMBIENT DES" in 1999 .
And the members of assembled in "ambient green tea party", KenIchiro Hoshi and Masaaki Takemura and Ken'ichi Itoi(PsysEx), they founded the electronic music label. So this label named "ryoondo-tea".
They play their live act at the old temple in Kyoto with various artists of contemporary arts and traditional crafts,and their unique activitys are highly regarded.
"electronic evening" at Honenin temple kyoto is known as their most successful one. From 2008, ryoondo-tea started new project at Onsen(Japanese hotsprings).